

舉報(bào) 評(píng)價(jià)

P-XYGLN 木葡聚糖羅望子果




Megazyme 木葡聚糖[羅望子果] , Xyloglucan (Tamarind) , 貨號(hào):P-XYGLN ,CASN: 37294-28-3, 用于研究、酶生化分析和體外診斷分析。

詳細(xì)信息 在線詢(xún)價(jià)

木葡聚糖[羅望子果] , Xyloglucan (Tamarind) , 貨號(hào):P-XYGLN




品名:Xyloglucan (Tamarind)

CASN: 37294-28-3

純度: >95% 高粘度。 Ara: Gal: Xyl: Glc = 3: 18: 34: 45

包裝: 3 g


溶解度:緩慢將粉末加入熱水,可以溶于熱水,溶解度10 mg/mL。 50°C下,攪拌需要至少持續(xù)4小時(shí)。

用途:高純度木葡聚糖[羅望子果] 用于研究、酶生化分析和體外診斷分析。

木葡聚糖[羅望子果] , Xyloglucan (Tamarind) , 貨號(hào):P-XYGLN 參考文獻(xiàn):

A fibrolytic potential in the human ileum mucosal microbiota revealed by functional metagenomics. Patrascu, O., Béguet-Crespel, F., Marinelli, L., Le Chaier, E., Abraham, A., Leclerc, M., Klopp, C., Terrapon, N., Henrissat, B., Blottière, H. M., Doré, J. & Chris Béra-Maillet. (2017). Scientific Reports, 7, 40248.

Arsenal of plant cell wall degrading enzymes reflects host preference among plant pathogenic fungi. King, B. C., Waxman, K. D., Nenni, N. V., Walker, L. P., Bergstrom, G. C. & Gibson, D. M. (2011). Biotechnol Biofuels, 4(4).

Complete genome of a new Firmicutes species belonging to the dominant human colonic microbiota (‘Ruminococcus bicirculans’) reveals two chromosomes and a selective capacity to utilize plant glucans. Wegmann, U., Louis, P., Goesmann, A., Henrissat, B., Duncan, S. H. & Flint, H. J. (2014). Environmental Microbiology, 16(9), 2879–2890.

Synergism between cucumber α-expansin, fungal endoglucanase and pectin lyase. Wei, W., Yang, C., Luo, J., Lu, C., Wu, Y. & Yuan, S. (2010). Journal of Plant Physiology, 167(14), 1204-1210.

A revised architecture of primary cell walls based on biomechanical changes induced by substrate-specific endoglucanases. Park, Y. B. & Cosgrove, D. J. (2012). Plant Physiology, 158(4), 1933-1943.

Structural basis for entropy-driven cellulose binding by a type-A cellulose-binding module (CBM) and bacterial expansin. Georgelis, N., Yennawar, N. H. & Cosgrove, D. J. (2012). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(37), 14830-14835.

Biochemical and molecular characterization of secreted α-xylosidase from Aspergillus niger. Scott-Craig, J. S., Borrusch, M. S., Banerjee, G., Harvey, C. M. & Walton, J. D. (2011). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(50), 42848-42854.

Restoration of mature etiolated cucumber hypocotyl cell wall susceptibility to expansin by pretreatment with fungal pectinases and EGTA in vitro. Zhao, Q., Yuan, S., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhu, H. & Lu, C. (2008). Plant Physiology, 147(4), 1874-1885.

Cotton fiber cell walls of Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense have differences related to loosely-bound xyloglucan. Avci, U., Pattathil, S., Singh, B., Brown, V. L., Hahn, M. G. & Haigler, C. H. (2013). PloS one, 8(2), e56315.

Role of (1,3)(1,4) β-glucan in cell walls: Interaction with cellulose. Kiemle, S. N., Zhang, X., Esker, A. R., Toriz, G., Gatenholm, P. & Cosgrove, D. J. (2014). Biomacromolecules, 15 (5), 1727-1736.

木葡聚糖[羅望子果] , Xyloglucan (Tamarind) , 貨號(hào):P-XYGLN 使用手冊(cè):

P-XYGLN 使用手冊(cè)

木葡聚糖[羅望子果] , Xyloglucan (Tamarind) , 貨號(hào):P-XYGLN 相關(guān)產(chǎn)品:

Xylan (Beechwood; purified)

Cellulase Assay Kit (CellG5 Method)

Cellazyme T Tablets

AZCL-Xyloglucan (Tamarind)

Azo-Xyloglucan (Tamarind)

Xyloglucanase (GH74) (Paenibacillus sp.)

Xyloglucanase (GH5) (Paenibacillus sp.)







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