

舉報(bào) 評(píng)價(jià)

Agilent 3325B 信號(hào)發(fā)生器

  • 公司名稱 深圳市晧辰電子科技有限公司
  • 品牌
  • 型號(hào)
  • 所在地 深圳市
  • 廠商性質(zhì) 經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時(shí)間 2017/10/26 18:00:57
  • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù) 250




詳細(xì)信息 在線詢價(jià)


The Keysight 3325B is a generator/waveform synthesizer with frequency accuracy, resolution, and stability that are ideal for applications such as crystal filter test, multiplexed communication system testing, clock/timing simulation and audio frequency system testing.

Exceptionally linear triangles and ramp signals are produced with synthesized accuracy and stability for applications such as VCO testing or process control. The dc-to-21 MHz frequency range (sine) makes the 3325B ideal for high-performance video system testing.

Pure sine waves or high quality squarewaves can be combined with up to ±5V of DC offset to interface with biased circuits or for stimulus in digital environments. In modulation applications, let the Keysight 3325B provide the carrier for a modulation source, or use the internal modulation source to get modulated signals from the 3325B alone.


  • Functions: Sine, square, triangle, negative and positive ramps, arbs, dc offset
  • Fully synthesized microhertz resolution
  • Internal programmable modulation source
  • LOG, LIN, discrete sweep
  • Excellent signal purity
  • DC to 60 MHz sync output
  • Operating Temperature: 0 to 55 degrees C
  • Relative Humidity: 95%, 0 to 40°C
  • Altitude : 15,000 ft and below
  • Power: 100/120/220/240 V, + 5%, -10%, 48 to 66 Hz, 90 VA, 120 VA with all options
  • Weight: 9 kg (20 lbs) net, 14.5 kg (32 lbs) shipping
  • Dimensions HxD: 133.4 mm x 425.5 mm x 498.5 mm, (5 1/4" x 16 3/4" x 19 5/8")







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