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LitePoint LDC-3908 激光二極管控制器





詳細(xì)信息 在線詢價


  • 8 or 16 Independent, Isolated Channels for Multiple Laser and TE Control
  • Wide Variety of Laser Controller Modules with up to 3A per Channel
  • Dual Channel Laser Current or TE Control Modules for Control of up to 16 Laser Diodes
  • Current Sources Operate in Constant Current or Constant Power Modes with Modulation up to 1.2MHz
  • Temperature Controllers Operate in Constant Temperature or Constant Resistance Mode with Expanded Gain Setting from 1 to 127
  • GPIB/IEEE-488 or RS-232 Remote Control Interface


The ILX Lightwave LDC-3908 8-Channel and LDC-3916 16-Channel Laser Diode Controller Laser Diode Controller are designed for simultaneous control of both laser current and temperature in a single mainframe for R&D or production test of optical amplifiers. Their high stability, low-noise current, and temperature controllers also makes it ideal for low-channel count burn-in systems. Laser current source, temperature, and combination controller modules are interchangeable between the 8 and 16 channel mainframes.
The smaller size and lighter weight of the LDC-3908 and LDC-3916 make them an ideal controller for smaller channel count applications. The LDC-3908 and LDC-3916 are space-saving, 3U-high, rack-mountable instrument. 
A wide variety of laser control modules are available including LAS/TEC controller, dual channel laser current source, and dual channel temperature control modules. Controller modules source up to 500mA, 1A, or 1.5A of laser current with an integrated 9W TEC controller. Dual laser current source modules, with two isolated outputs, source 500mA or 1A, while dual channel temperature control modules provide two independent 9W outputs. For controlling up to 16 higher power pump lasers, a single output 3A current source is available. 
Instrument control in automated test environments is possible through the GPIB/IEEE-488 interface or RS-232 serial interface.







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