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ELEMENT XR 輝光放電質(zhì)譜儀




ELEMENT XR輝光放電質(zhì)譜儀

詳細信息 在線詢價

  element xr

the linear dynamic detection range is of immense importance in icp-ms because of the wide range of elements and concentrations to be analyzed in a single analysis.
   product detail

a unique detection system in icp-ms, combining a dual mode sem with a faraday detector, has been introduced with the element xr hr-icp-ms, which is based on the proven design of the element2 


through the combination of a single faraday collector with the sem, the linear dynamic range of the element xr can be increased by an additional three orders of magnitude, when compared to the element2, to over 1012. with this increase in dynamic range, through measurement in counting, analog and faraday detector modes, the maximum measurable concentration achievable with the element xr is over 1000 ?g/g (ppm). additionally, by moving higher concentration elements into higher resolutions, a further ~ 50-fold increase in measurable concentration can be achieved.

new element xr detection system
integration of faraday detector circuit

  • sample times of down to 1 ms.
  • no decay time required after the measurement of high intensities.
  • automatic switching between sem (analog and counting detection modes) and faraday with delay times < 1ms.
  • wide cross-over ranges (> 2 orders of magnitude) between different detector modes to allow for accurate, automated cross-calibration.
  • automatic cross-calibration between faraday and analog signals.
  • dynamic range: 5 x 107 cps – > 1 x 1012 cps (1 ms sample time).

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 product# product nameimage 
 iqlaaegaamfabwmafa  element gd輝光放電質(zhì)譜 
 iqlaaegaamfabwmafc  element2高分辨icp-ms 







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