

舉報 評價

Raptor FluoroPhenyl 液相色譜柱(USP L43)(Restek)




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Raptor FluoroPhenyl 液相色譜柱(USP L43)

強大的性能:集HILIC 和反相兩種分離模式于一身。
 在LC-MS 分析方面可以提高靈敏度和選擇性。
 相對C18 來說可以提供更好的保留。
分析親水性化合物時,使用Raptor FluoroPhenyl 柱可以讓你得到比C18 柱更好的保留和選擇性。

類似固定相:Kinetix PFP, Accucore PFP, Ascentis Express F5, Halo 2.7 PFP


Raptor FluoroPhenyl 液相柱(USP L43)

9319A322.7 μm30 mm2.1 mmea.
9319A522.7 μm50 mm2.1 mmea.
9319A122.7 μm100 mm2.1 mmea.
9319A622.7 μm150 mm2.1 mmea.
9319A3E2.7 μm30 mm3.0 mmea.
9319A5E2.7 μm50 mm3.0 mmea.
9319A1E2.7 μm100 mm3.0 mmea.
9319A6E2.7 μm150 mm3.0 mmea.
9319A352.7 μm30 mm4.6 mmea.
9319A552.7 μm50 mm4.6 mmea.
9319A152.7 μm100 mm4.6 mmea.
9319A652.7 μm150 mm4.6 mmea.
93195525 μm50 mm2.1 mmea.
93195125 μm100 mm2.1 mmea.
93195625 μm150 mm2.1 mmea.
931953E5 μm30 mm3.0 mmea.
931955E5 μm50 mm3.0 mmea.
931951E5 μm100 mm3.0 mmea.
931956E5 μm150 mm3.0 mmea.
93195555 μm50 mm4.6 mmea.
93195155 μm100 mm4.6 mmea.
93195655 μm150 mm4.6 mmea.
93195755 μm250 mm4.6 mmea.

Restek chemists became the first to combine the speed of superficially porous particles (also known as SPP or “core-shell” particles) with the resolution of highly selective USLC technology. This new breed of chromatographic column allows you to more easily achieve peak separation and faster analysis times with existing HPLC and UHPLC instrumentation. Learn more about Raptor LC columns at /raptor

  • Capable of both reversed-phase and HILIC separations.

  • Ideal for increasing sensitivity and selectivity in LC-MS analyses.

  • Offers increased retention for charged bases.

  • Part of Restek’s Raptor LC column line featuring 1.8, 2.7, and 5 μm SPP core-shell silica.

  • Switch to a Raptor FluoroPhenyl LC column when you need more retention and selectivity for basic and hydrophilic compounds than you can achieve on a C18.

Restek has now extended the speed and reliability of Raptor column technology into the HILIC realm with the addition of Raptor FluoroPhenyl columns. Restek's Raptor FluoroPhenyl phase offers chromatographers the ability to run in reversed-phase or HILIC mode for a variety of compounds. The Restek Raptor FluoroPhenyl column is also amenable to LC-MS because it is extremely reliable and efficient with acidic phases.

Stationary Phase Category: Pentafluorophenyl propyl (L43)
Ligand Type: Fluorophenyl
Particle: 1.8 μm, 2.7 μm, or 5 μm superficially porous silica (SPP or "core-shell")
Pore Size: 90 ?
Carbon Load: 4% (1.8 μm), 4% (2.7 μm), 3% (5 μm)
End-Cap: no
Surface Area: 125 m2/g (1.8 μm), 130 m2/g (2.7 μm), or 100 m2/g (5 μm)
Recommended Usage:
pH Range: 2.0–8.0
Maximum Temperature: 80 °C
Maximum Pressure: 1,034 bar/15,000 psi* (1.8 μm), 600 bar/8,700 psi (2.7 μm); 400 bar/5,800 psi (5 μm) 

* For maximum lifetime, recommended maximum pressure for 1.8 μm particles is 830 bar/12,000 psi.


  • Capable of both reversed-phase and HILIC separations.

  • Ideal for increasing sensitivity and selectivity in LC-MS analyses.

  • Offers increased retention for charged bases.

    Switch to a Raptor FluoroPhenyl LC column when:

  • Limited retention and selectivity are observed on a C18 for basic compounds.

  • You need increased retention of hydrophilic compounds.







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