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Sparc Compact





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Sparc Compact

Pushing the boundaries of cathodoluminescence detection

The SPARC Compact pushes the boundaries of compact cathodoluminescence (CL) imagingperformance. It features the proven ease-of-use, high-collection efficiency and fast time-to-image of any DELMIC system. Without compromising on high performance, this is a small-scale version of the SPARC cathodoluminescence system for researchers in geology and materials science who specifically require intensity measurements by a photomultiplier tube.

The SPARC Compact features a range of opportunities that combines ultimate performance with reliability, and enhances the analytical capabilities at the disposal of today’s microscopists.

Modular and upgradeable

The SPARC Compact is a cathodoluminescence system that works out of the box and can be upgraded to high-performance angle-resolved CL imaging and hyperspectral CL imaging. Its modular design makes it easy to extend and add features to the system as research evolves.

This cathodoluminescence detector can also seamlessly be combined with other scanning electron microscope (SEM) detection modalities, thus making it a truly multifaceted solution.

Optimized for your research

Fast-intensity mapping imaging mode

A fast analog PMT detector can be used for large-scale imaging. This allows for the rapid inspection of large areas, ideal for geological applications, fast device inspection, and efficient region-of-interest finding. A filter wheel can be used for spectral differentiation.







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