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來源:江蘇安科瑞電器制造有限公司   2022年03月04日 12:32  


Abstract: Intelligent lighting control system is more and more widely used at this stage. This article introduces the specific application of Acrel intelligent lighting control system in a computer room management center, briefly analyzes the design specifications of KNX technology, and outlines Acrel-Bus intelligent lighting The specific structure and control method of the control system. KNX technology is mainly used in the control field of large public construction projects such as houses and buildings. The most significant advantage of this system is that the structure of the system is clear and convenient during system debugging and maintenance. When a certain part of the system fails, other parts can continue Work to improve the safety and reliability of the system.
Keywords: computer room management center; intelligent lighting system; energy saving and emission reduction; lighting control;
0.前言 Background
  Acrel intelligent lighting control system is based on KNX bus technology, and uses four-core shielded twisted pair wires to connect all control modules such as panels, sensors, drivers and bus power supply hand in hand, integrating various independent control functions into one system , It integrates many advantages such as comfort, flexibility, safety, energy saving and economy, and convenient maintenance.
  The intelligent and convenient control method can also meet the various control needs of the computer room. The following introduces the design and application of Acrel's intelligent lighting control system in a computer room management center, briefly analyzes the design specifications of KNX technology, and outlines the specific architecture and control methods of Acrel's intelligent lighting control system.
1.系統(tǒng)組成System Composition
  The system composition structure diagram is as follows. The bus power supply, driver, gateway, coupler, input module, etc. need to be installed in the distribution box. The sensor is generally installed in the public area, and the panel and touch screen are generally installed in the room on duty. Note that the wiring of each module cannot form a ring. For relatively small projects, the system can choose a 10-inch central control screen, which does not require an IP gateway conversion protocol, and is simple to set up and low in cost. For relatively large projects, it can be connected to a computer through an IP gateway to realize remote control of the terminal.

2.系統(tǒng)功能System function
  The product has a variety of control methods to choose from, which can meet the needs of different customers. Such as local control, automatic induction control, timing control, remote centralized control, etc., the control method is more flexible. While realizing automation, it greatly reduces the management cost of the staff on duty, and improves the management level and work efficiency.
  2.1 Timing control
  Through the clock manager, the timing and automatic management functions of the related area lighting of the entire system are realized, and the timing control of public passage, landscape lighting, flood lighting, and garage lighting is realized. For example, the blinds are regularly raised and lowered, centralized heating timing adjustment, holiday lighting timing closure, timing notification, etc.
  2.2 Scene control
  The intelligent lighting control system sets different types of scene modes according to the needs of various departments, and combines various lighting lights to achieve the effect of beautifying the working environment; combined with the human body sensor sensor, when the personnel leave, all the lighting in the meeting room is turned off.
  2.3 Real-time monitoring
  The central control room is equipped with a central control host, and all lighting control equipment is connected to the monitoring system through the KNX gateway. The operation and management personnel can monitor the lighting status of the bus, area, floor, building, etc. in real time through the central control computer. Control and adjust according to demand. The system drawing tools support vector graphics and multi-layer pages. The graphics page is easy to zoom and switch. It supports the embedding of graphic objects such as DXF, WMF, BMP, JPG, ICON, etc., supports the drawing of 2D and 3D primitives, and increases the visual spatial effect. .
  2.4 Alarm processing
  The system provides alarm processing capabilities. Users can use programming to complete different tasks. What should be done when a certain alarm condition occurs can be determined by the user.
  2.5 Incident notification
  The system provides an event notification function, supports notification, text output, and event-driven printing, and can trigger the event notification function according to conditions preset by the user.
3.系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)點(diǎn) Advantages of the system
2.系統(tǒng)中控制模塊均工作在 直流30V 電壓下,用戶操作更加方便。
5.多種控制方式可供選擇,如本地控制、自動(dòng)感應(yīng)控制、定時(shí)控制、 場(chǎng)景控制和集中控制等,控制方式更靈活。
1. The system can remotely and centrally control the on-site lighting, air conditioning and curtains through phones, touch screens, and computers, making the control more convenient and intelligent, and the user experience more perfect.
2. The control modules in the system all work under the safe voltage of DC 30V, which makes the user's operation safer and more comfortable.
3. During the implementation of the system, try to fully combine natural light and personnel's activity rules to automatically control the lights, which can minimize energy consumption and achieve good energy-saving effects.
4. The system adopts the distributed KNX bus structure, which is simple and flexible to build. The modules in the system do not affect each other, can work independently, and the system reliability is higher.
5. A variety of control methods are available, such as local control, automatic induction control, timing control, scene control and centralized control, etc. The control method is more flexible.
6. The system's automatic control, remote centralized control and other functions, while realizing automation, greatly reduce the management cost of the staff on duty, and improve the management level and work efficiency.
7. When upgrading the control module in the system or changing the system function, there is no need to increase the connection line or shut down the entire system. It can be realized by only changing the equipment parameters. The maintenance is convenient and the operation is simple.
8. The system can be linked with the fire fighting system. When a fire alarm occurs, the emergency circuit is forced to open to facilitate the evacuation of personnel, thereby reducing the risk of casualties and improving the safety of the building.
4.智能照明模塊描述 Description of smart lighting control module

上圖是Acrel總線智能照明控制系統(tǒng)的結(jié)構(gòu)類型圖。 系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)采用分層結(jié)構(gòu),主要在以下三個(gè)方面具有優(yōu)勢(shì):
The above is the structural typology diagram of Acrel-bus smart lighting control system. The system architecture adopts layered structure, advantageous mainly in the following three aspects:
(1)Enhancing system reliability. As each area and each line is distributed with KNX power, the electric isolation enables other parts to continue with operation when something goes wrong with one part of the system.
(2)The data communication within one line or one area will not affect communication in other areas.
(3)During system commissioning and maintenance, a clear system structure will provides high maintenance efficiency.
5.安裝圖片Installation Site
6.結(jié)束語 Ending
  With the development of society and the widespread application of electric power, Acrel's intelligent lighting monitoring system has become the choice for large-scale and multi-users such as important engineering projects, landmark buildings, and large-scale public facilities throughout the country. The energy-saving method of intelligent lighting system in buildings realizes resource saving by strengthening management, saving costs, effectively benefiting natural light sources, and sharing lighting system resources. There are many advantages and practicability of intelligent lighting system. At the same time, intelligent lighting system is constantly developing and improving. In the future, buildings will use intelligent lighting system to control lighting in an all-round way.

編輯:安科瑞 孫斌



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